I am a Software engineer turned Product Manager turned Entrepreneur with 22 years of experience:
- 14 leading Web/Mobile products
- 6 within Growth/Marketing/Acquisition
I am a curious geek and my main interests revolve around tech, humans, robotics, the future of humankind, climate, sustainability and food.

- On diet and nutrition
- On health
- On mindfulness (draft)
- April 25 1974: 50 years with 30% of freedom
- The rest is noise
- The golden age of learning
- Podcasts on Health
- The cost of dying before you should
- Mortality, Veganism and Human Biology
- Hold my (gravitational) beer
- Oct 7: wars by ignorance
- The most beautiful force in the Universe
- Can paper be sustainable at all?
- Being humble
- Arthur C. Clarke on Wonders in Tech
- On Positivity Vs Haters
- Rua Anibal Gaspar
- Mailchimp just became the GOAT for what a bootstrapped startups can be
- “I wish that I had the courage to speak my mind and not pretend”
Connect with me..
- On Twitter
- +45 30 14 37 48
- anibaldamiao@gmail.com.
Please be mindful and do not call me for cold pitching: an intro over email helps me being efficient with my time.